01698 652630 [email protected]
Evolution of the Bespoke Care Home Design

Evolution of the Bespoke Care Home Design

From a time that I can remember, a care home was a large old house that had been converted because it had multiple rooms. In the mid 80’s and early 90’s they became a bit more bespoke, and purpose built. Move forward to today and they look more like a bespoke hotel....
A week in the life of Block Studio

A week in the life of Block Studio

Exciting times over the last week here at Block Studio.  We have been assisting with the development of a brochure for an energy efficiency company by producing some professional photo realistic CGI images.  These images promote the company’s services including EV...
The Block team plays its part in the local community

The Block team plays its part in the local community

After having successfully worked with Community Wish List, to provide a new community defibrillator at Blantyre Old Parish Church, the team agreed that we should be doing more for our local community. Kilbryde Hospice Obviously, as the practice is based in...