by David McCluskey | Jun 11, 2024 | Journal
From a time that I can remember, a care home was a large old house that had been converted because it had multiple rooms. In the mid 80’s and early 90’s they became a bit more bespoke, and purpose built. Move forward to today and they look more like a bespoke hotel....
by Kenneth Martin | Mar 15, 2024 | Journal
Appointed by developers Following the appointment by our developer client, works have commenced on the conversion, conservation and refurbishment of the 4-storey Grade B listed building at 45-51 King Street, in the historic heart of Stirling. Restoring a listed...
by Ollie Shields | Dec 13, 2023 | Journal
Deciding to improve or move to a new office space is always a tough decision for any business. Post Covid, many business owners and managers face a tough decision. Either, staff remain working in a hybrid fashion where home working allows the office to downsize and...
by Scott Graham | Nov 23, 2023 | Journal
Exciting times over the last week here at Block Studio. We have been assisting with the development of a brochure for an energy efficiency company by producing some professional photo realistic CGI images. These images promote the company’s services including EV...
by David McCluskey | Nov 8, 2023 | Journal
For many years there has been a saying ‘What came first the Chicken or The Egg’ and for many years I am still no closer to an answer, but that is just evolution. Over the last few months, we have been seeing a very similar scenario going through the building warrant...
by John Burns | Oct 28, 2023 | Journal
After having successfully worked with Community Wish List, to provide a new community defibrillator at Blantyre Old Parish Church, the team agreed that we should be doing more for our local community. Kilbryde Hospice Obviously, as the practice is based in...
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